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Elementals revealed in Oregon ice storm!

The weather patterns this year have been off the charts all over the United States. On Feb. 12, 2021, Salem, Oregon where I currently reside, had a unprecedented ice storm. The weather man commented that only a 1/4 inch thick of ice adds 500 pounds to tree branches. Salem had 1-1/4 inches thick! Huge trees fell everywhere. Not only on the land I live but all over the area. It outstretched to the Portland area. Then the power went out and the water turned off. It lasted in my area for 12 days. Most of Salem around 5 or 6 days. Which was a long time for city dwellers.

Above Photo: Taken by Laura Walthers in downtown Salem, Oregon. February 16, 2021.

Thick ice formed on the landscape.

The white daisy flowers in the meadow were also weighted from the ice.

In the photo above you can see a plant deva showing his face.(See white arrow)

In all the layers of ice I looked down and picked up a shard of ice that had a heart shape.

Above Photo: Laura Walthers is holding a piece of ice that reveals the face of a tree dryad. Follow the white arrows. He resides in the tree behind the shrubbery. (Follow white arrows)

The next succession of photographs revealed layers of elementals in them. I have communicated with the tree dryad many times in this tree. He enjoys shape shifting, which is a common trait of the nature beings. He has morphed into a male figure and a leprechaun. Only once, random pink crocus flowers appeared at the base of this tree. That was to get my attention he was there!

Taken by Laura Walthers where she resides in Salem, OR. An infinity symbol appears in the tree to represent a portal. (See arrow) Can you see it?

It is no surprise that an infinity symbol appeared in the branches of the tree. The elementals were truly shook by the storm and wanted to reveal themselves. I was saddened to see so many limbs and trees fall. You can see the piece of heart ice in my hand in this photograph did not yet reveal the tree dryad/spirit.

Above Photo: Taken by Laura Walthers in Salem, OR. The elemental revealed himself in an energy in front of the tree trunk.

Even though this photograph is a bit blurry and low resolution, you can clearly see the elemental in front of the tree trunk. The portal is wide open and it allowed the faeries and elementals to come forward. In the bottom of the energy portal there is a rainbow color of red and blue. This is a sign that they are there. The arrow is pointing at a face in profile. Can you see it?

Even in the worst circumstances the nature beings wanted you to know they are there. The next day a huge rainbow appeared in the sky and I knew all would be well. I love all the seasons and how nature brings so much beauty no matter what is happening.

Be In Beauty, BE SACRED!


Laura and the Nature Beings!


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