Elemental Orbs in Redwoods!

Last summer (July -2015) I visited the Ave. of the Giants in Northern California. As I was walking past this tree—I felt an intense energy! The tree is over 100 foot tall and it was tricky to find a place to setup my tripod. I took a few shots and did not see any orbs. When you get a hunch or feeling—trust it! I call it "Conscious Photography." The orbs did not show up until days later. When you are open and allow your senses to guide you, more wonder and beauty can be revealed to you in nature.

Close-up of Orbs in Tree with a Seven-Sided Heptagonal Shape!
The cluster of orbs above are a closeup of the orbs in the photograph.
The seven-sided heptagon geometric shape is the form the elementals chose to reveal their form. It reveals where they live in the redwood tree. I did not see them when I took the photo but I could feel a deep love emanating from the burl hollow of the tree. The burls also reveal other nature beings in the tree.
My faerie guide told me the color is a new color, it is of the faerie world! You can also see the energy field in the upper right corner. If you open your heart to them - you may feel the love-energy!

Free Replay of the Guardian Spirits of Nature Telesummit!
I am excited to share with you a FREE REPLAY WEEKEND Sat. June 4th and Sun. June 5th - mcssl.com/app/?Clk=5525694 for a wonderful event I was part of last year: The Guardian Spirits of Nature Telesummit. Many of you listened in and were so delighted with the amazing information and wisdom so many teachers shared. I thank you and hope you will pass on this opportunity to those who could also benefit from the joy, love and wisdom the Nature Beings gift to us.
Thank you,
Rainbows of Love,
Happy Trails!
Laura Walthers