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Elvin and Golden Faeries in Tree!

Above Photo: Taken by Laura Walthers in Salem, OR

One afternoon I was looking across a field where I live and was told to visit this ancient white oak tree. Intuitively the elementals and faeries were calling. They are always around even if you do not see them. I walked up to its wide trunk and gave the tree a huge hug. I sent it rays of love light and thanked it for its service to the land and my husband and I.

After I discovered an Elvin had revealed himself in the photograph I asked him, "Do you have a message?" He replied," Prayer and Play are very similar. In Prayer you call in the Divine and in Play you express it." PLAYING IS DIVINE!

I then noticed a figure appeared in a golden yellow on the tree trunk. It was a golden goddess standing next to several golden faeries inside the small cavern of the tree. They are an expression of the golden age we are living in.

(See white arrows—they point to the Elvin and golden faeries.)

The faeries and elementals reveal themselves to show how nature is alive and conscious! The Elvin used moss and lichen to create his form in the tree trunk. I am always so grateful for their service and manifesting in our world to reveal they truly exist!


Happy Trails, from Laura, the faeries and the Elvin!

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